Kid's Crafts

Thanksgiving Dinner Collage!

Holiday-themed crafts can sometimes take a lot of thought and preparation, this one? Nope! Grocery store ads, scissors, paper plate, coloring placemat, and a glue stick!

This is the second year of G7, and I making Thanksgiving Dinner Collages, and honestly, it just keeps getting better. We have a great time laughing and chatting about our favorite and least favorite holiday dishes. She HATES pumpkin pie, and while I eat it, it is usually only one bites worth. She loves turkey, but only if it has gravy, and I cannot even think about touching gravy; YUCK!

This activity made it enjoyable to talk about different opinions our similar likes and dislikes but most of all, it helped come up with the families’ Thanksgiving shopping list! We knew how everyone really felt about that fruitcake, cranberry sauce, and even who liked apple juice over milk!

Enjoy this quick craft for smiles, giggles, and of course, quality time with your little!

Respectfully yours,

Heather Poppins


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